Ujian Komprehensif a.n. drg. Yohanna Lily, M.Kes
Ujian Komprehensif a.n. drg. Yohanna Lily, M.Kes
Ujian Komprehensif a.n. drg. Yohanna Lily, M.Kes
Seminar Hasil Penelitian a.n. drg. Dwi Aji Nugroho
Ujian Semester MK Filsafat Ilmu (Dr. Arqom Kuswanjono)
Ujian Semester MK Metodologi Penelitian (Dr. dr. Bambang Udji Djoko)
Seminar Akademik drg. Atiek Driana R
Ujian Komprehensif atas nama drg. Anne Handrini Dewi
Seminar Pra Komprehensif a.n. Arnela Nur, S.SiT., M.D.Sc.
Tissue engineering is increasingly viewed as the future of medicine. As evidenced in both the scientific and popular press, considerable excitement exists surrounding the strategy of regenerative medicine. Inside the […]